Au sujet de ce site web

The basic function of this home page area is to present ASHTECH to its future customers,
and to provide an interface with existing customers.

HOWEVER, we hope to make it at least a little bit interesting for haphazard
visitors as well - we're setting up a page with various external links, a few
downloadable files (.WAV files for example), and some other information.

The entire structure of this home page area is provided in two languages,
English and French (you can switch between the two languages at any time, by
clicking on the appropriate button or flag. We're based in Europe, so the languages
are UK English and Metropolitan French - Americans, Canadians, etc., please
grin and bear this.

You can also choose between a graphical version (if you like images) and a
more clear-cut version (if prefer speedy access and sober information).
You can choose between these two versions on the title page.

Finally, there are several ways of navigating:

* You can proceed in the usual way, clicking here and there to visit the pages you
want to see,
* You can go through all the pages in a logical order, by pressing the "next" and
"previous" buttons at the bottom of each page,
* You can go the "MAP" page to see a block diagram of the entire home page
area, and click on any page you would like to view. Please note that this page
is graphical in all versions.

Contact us, by Email, phone or fax, and tell us what you like or dislike about our
home page. And please contact us if you need more details about translations.

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